Srushti came to Wales from Mumbai on the Global Wales Postgraduate Scholarship programme, an initiative offering scholarships worth up to £10,000 for students to pursue a full-time master's degree in Wales.

“Studying in Wales offers a unique cultural experience,” Srushti said. “You'll have the chance to explore beautiful landscapes, engage with Welsh history and culture, and make friends from around the world. The welcoming atmosphere and vibrant student life make it easy to feel at home here.

"The beaches are definitely one of my favourite things about Wales, especially in the south. They're not just your average strips of sand and water - these places are something else. You've got these amazing cliffs that give you awesome views of the super clear, blue water below.”

Srushti studied a Masters degree in Virtual Reality at Swansea University and says she has developed personally and professionally since arriving in Wales. She said: "My experience studying in Wales has been truly rewarding, my course has focused on current industry needs which will be beneficial for my career. Professors go above and beyond to help students succeed, encouraging continuous learning and improvement.”

Srushti believes one of the biggest differences between education in India and Wales, is the focus on assignments in Wales, rather than exams in India. She believes the focus on assignments has allowed her to engage further with course material which has helped reduce stress and increase her knowledge. “This approach allows for deeper engagement with the subject matter and promotes more comprehensive learning. The faculty here is notably supportive, encouraging critical thinking and independent research. Their openness to admitting knowledge gaps and willingness to explore topics further sets a positive example for continuous learning.”

Reflecting on her overall experience as a student here, Srushti said: “Wales has not only provided me with excellent educational opportunities but has also presented a compelling model for the kind of environment in which I'd like to live and work in the future. It's broadened my horizons and reshaped my priorities in ways I hadn't anticipated."

Whether you're looking to boost your career prospects, experience a different education system, or simply broaden your horizons, studying in Wales would be an excellent choice.

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