As a postgraduate student in Wales, you’ll be part of a nation known for outstanding research and teaching, where our universities produce breakthroughs with real-world impact.
Across our eight universities, we have a large and thriving postgraduate community. Last year, more than 20,875 students were enrolled on taught courses such as Masters degrees and postgraduate diplomas. A further 4,330 were engaged in research programmes, working towards a PhD, professional doctorate or other advanced degree.

Research without borders
Wales is a culture of innovation. Research is characterised by strong links between our universities and the world of business – including the small and medium-sized enterprises that are the powerhouse of the local economy. International engagement is also at the heart of this success. Nearly 70% of academic publications coming from Wales involve cross-border collaboration.
Cutting-edge innovation can be found in all parts of Wales. Flagship research projects include SPECIFIC at Swansea University, a centre developing building materials that are capable of generating clean energy. Both Swansea and Cardiff Universities are playing a part in building a compound semiconductor cluster in South Wales, advancing the technology to drive forward a new industrial revolution.
Bangor University has been pioneering research into Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) to treat depression, saving the NHS time and money. Over at Aberystwyth University, the Computer Science Space Robotics Research Group has been helping in the search for life on Mars. When the ExoMars 2020 Rover touches down to begin its exploration of the Red Planet, it will contain technology developed and calibrated in Wales.
Our institutions collaborate closely with each other, as in ASTUTE 2020 – an initiative to develop advanced sustainable manufacturing technologies. It involves Swansea University in partnership with Cardiff University, Aberystwyth University, the University of South Wales and the University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
The impact of Welsh research innovation can be seen across the world, in national and international policy, health and social care, science and engineering, creative industries, energy and environment, education, agriculture and many other sectors.